The writer is a social pedagogue, educator, artist and photographer, specialized in working with marginalized youth groups and urban subcultures. She works with art, education, activism, politics, environmental psychology, project development, curation and communication, as festival manager of Løkka-Lykke gatekunstfest, and Street Art Oslo for the past three years.

She is particularly interested in topics concerning civic engagement, disobedience and empowerment, and the ways un(sanctioned) art and creative expressions in our shared public spaces can create opportunities for people to experience and interact with the city in new and different ways.

Hanne is part of the art-based activism collective Subvertising Norway dedicated to question who has the power to communicate messages and meaning in public space. She is also co-founder of Kunst I Mellomrom forlag, publishing independent zines about unistitutionalized art practices


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Hanne is a social pedadogue, educator, writer, artist and photographer